Yet another agency?
It seems that M has managed to piss off yet another agency in TN. They are thankfully still willing to work with her, but only under certain conditions. Apparently she is still sending relatives to bring in receipts, and the receipts are for things like soda, more hair products than anyone can use in a year, and junk food. No real food, no fruit, no vegetables or anything that resembles groceries. They have asked me to call her and "put the fear of G-d into her" that she needs to start following the rules if she wants to get her expenses paid. She also blew off the lawyer on Friday. The lawyer was willing to drive out to M and meet with her at home, but she couldn't be bothered to call the lawyer and set up a time. I am feeling very frustrated and will call M and have a talk with her when I get home.
The social worker does agree there is no way that M can keep this baby and that she thinks it will work out. But she has to question the validity of most of her expenses and how our money is being spent. She also doesn't want to be the cause of problems with our adoption, but has said they cannot work with M any longer if she doesn't start behaving.