Friday, April 07, 2006

The world works in mysterious ways

I've had a pretty shitty week this week (see last post). And to top things off, my beloved Linus was missing for about 15 hours yesterday. I let him out in the morning, and normally he goes and pees and comes right back in. Yesterday he felt like wandering. I saw him out front of the house as I was pulling out of the driveway and briefly thought of stopping to let him in, but figured David would let him in when he got up. When David got to work, he told me that he hadn't seen Linus, and when I got home, David and the girls were out looking for him. I started to worry a bit at this point, he is almost 16 and arthritic and his vision is starting to deteriorate.

By the time it got dark and we'd had dinner, I was starting to get pretty hysterical, so we got leashes on the girls and went to go look for him. As we were walking out, my cell phone rang and it was T calling. I spoke with her as we were walking. She has a woman with a 10-week old little boy in Texas, half Hispanic and half Caucasian, and she has decided to place him for adoption. T wasn't sure how "newborn" I wanted in a baby so called us, and we told her to send our profile. So it's going out today for delivery tomorrow. I feel excited about this one, as I do every time our profile goes out, wondering if this is our baby. We are the only family that T is submitting (I'm not sure if there are others from other sources).

We continued on our walk, and met the neighbors who live behind us. We were thinking Linus might have gotten in someone's yard and couldn't get out. We got back to our house, and David went to check out front again and I went out back, and the little bastard was sitting there waiting for us. He seemed rather put out, and I wonder if he spent the day trapped in a garage or yard somewhere. But thankfully my kitty is home.

Oh, and my best friend out of that gang of women did email me and reassure me that she likes me better than them anyhow and that we are most definitely still friends.

And T had just a little news on the twins. The PBM has not called her back, and T heard that she requested additional profiles, so we are probably not the family.


At 1:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

My cat came home a week ago after being outside part of the day with a hole in her tail. She got infected. Now he tail is shaved around the wound and it's weeping. I have to put antiobotic on it twice a day. We are taking special care to keep her in doors.

I am happy that he came home in good health.

At 12:07 PM, Blogger Mel said...

Poor kitty! That happened to one of my childhood cats too. I hope that she feels better soon.


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