Wednesday, August 09, 2006

As well as could be expected

I realize I owe an update, but I'm on travel this week for work and it's been hard to have Internet time!

The shower was wonderful, and I'll write a separate post on that when I have photos of the booty, etc. I'll just say I have amazing friends.

M made it to the lawyer on Monday and all went well there. Of course she forgot the video and the social history paperwork, and the lawyer gave her new forms to fill out (along with another addressed and stamped envelope to return them). But she signed her medical release, and they called the pbfather together and the lawyer is going to see him in prison to get his signature. M filled out her hospital plan, and we will have full access to the baby along with a room, and the ability to make medical decisions for him. He will be released into our custody when M is released from the hospital.

Then M called me Monday night to tell me how things went. She had a doctor's appointment on Monday also, and the baby is measuring 34 weeks and things are looking good. She still has a due date of 9/13 and prefers to be induced if she reaches that date. The clinic said that was fine as long as Bubba was done cooking, and induction is good for us because we can plan to be there. M says she'll be in touch every few days as we get closer to the due date so we can be ready.

So, all of that was taken care of. Yesterday morning M called me and said the agency still wasn't answering her calls about her money from last week, so I called them and was told that I had to speak with the director before they could pay anything else. So I spoke with her, and things are not good on their end. The director says M is unwilling to keep appointments with them as well. She doesn't want counseling, but at least has to go in to meet with them to discuss the hospital (they'll be discharging the baby) and the legal stuff (they'll also be going to court with her). They have explained all this to M several times but she isn't keeping appointments and they're pretty close to wanting to fire her still. I called M and explained it all to her, and she kept saying "nobody told me I had to do that" and I told her I was telling her and it needed to be done. The director did mention something about a possibility of using a Texas agency, which would be great because M can sign Texas consents which are more stringent. The agency I'm using doesn't want to be just an ATM machine for M and want to have her more involved, but that's not M. The director said, and I agreed, that M is going to place her baby and she really is only motivated by financial reasons, which is fine.

So, now I'm waiting to hear back from my lawyer about how to proceed. I'm pretty near the end of my rope and incredibly stressed out.


At 8:31 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Mellie, regardless of her motivation to place she is going to go through with it. You hang in there!

I can't wait to see photos of your baby shower.

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gah, it can't be easy, can it? Hang in there. if she's motivated by money, she ain't gonna back out... what a clusterf_ck though. Breathe deeply.

At 9:31 AM, Blogger Mel said...

Thanks! Nothing is ever easy, is it? This is my own version of a really bad pregnancy, I guess. I think we will survive, and I do feel that she's going to go through with it.

At 5:25 PM, Blogger Nina said...

Oh, what a nightmare! I'm so sorry you're going through such a stressful and uncertain time. You're so close to that delivery date and then it will all be over. Hang in there...


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