Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Wake me up when September ends

I wish I could be like the Green Day song, and just wake up when September was over, the baby was home, and all the papers were signed. But, we still have 2 months and 16 days left to wait. My friend said that I'm in my third trimester now, and that's kind of cool to think about!

M and I did speak after we got back from Nashville, and it turns out her cell phone has completely died. I've been calling her at her mom's and often speaking to her sister. I had a nice conversation with her sister, and she told me that she was very grateful that we were being so kind to M, and she'd love to meet us. She placed a child for adoption last winter, and the adoptive family lied and told her they would keep contact, and then disappeared. She and M both don't want that to happen (of course we don't either).

Our agency in Nashville said that M was too high maintenance for them (they only cut checks one day a week and she was too demanding, wanting stuff NOW). Color me surprised. They did kindly find a new agency that would be better, and the new agency requires at least one counseling session, which she supposedly had this past Friday. Nobody called me so I'm assuming it went smoothly, although I did leave a message for the social worker to let me know how it went. And once again, I am waiting on M to call me and give me her new cell number. I'll try her again in a day or two, I don't want to bug her.

So, we're hanging in there, one day at a time. Although I do have an appointment with a psychiatrist coming up in a couple weeks to get some anti-anxiety meds.

UPDATE: The social worker (SW) called and said everything went fine with M on Friday. She even came in on Monday for her counseling appt (YAY) and has another one scheduled at the end of next week. The SW said she does seem very focused on the adoption and going through with it, although she's reluctant to talk about the "feeling" side of things, which doesn't surprise me. I'm glad she went for some counseling though, and I hope she goes again.


At 9:21 AM, Blogger rdhdprincess said...

Sending good thoughts your way dear. I know how hard this waiting is, even in the best of situations. Hang in there!

At 4:15 PM, Blogger Nina said...

Glad things are progressing... I kept checking your blog for updates and was relieved to see that things are proceeding well!!! Not to wish time away, but I hope the summer speeds past until you have your baby in your arms!

At 7:03 AM, Blogger Laura F. said...

I'm so glad to hear she went to her counseling appointment. I think that will be good for both of you, actually!!


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