Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Waiting to schedule our home study

We are now completely finished with everything except for our home study. Our social worker, Lindsey, told me to call her after Thanksgiving and get it scheduled. I asked her if I needed to talk to her, or her boss Cindy, and she told me to call her. I called on Monday and left her a message, and she called me back yesterday afternoon. She said she can't do our home study because she has too many others going on, and I have to call Cindy to schedule it. I wish she had just told me to call Cindy from the beginning. Cindy is a great person but she is really slow to return phone calls, so I feel like I lost two days waiting. I just want to get that date set so I will have something to look forward to. We will have an individual interview with the social worker, then a couple interview, then they will come to the house for a home visit and to meet the beasties. I am still optimistic that we can get on the waiting list by the beginning of February.

We are also going to sign up with an adoption facilitator who has helped several of my friends. She only charges a nominal fee, and seems to have a high placement rate. It can't hurt to have all our bases covered, right?

In the meantime, to keep busy, I have been working on the nursery. I even have a registry set up! The mural is almost done. I'll start a new post for the mural pictures, it seems like that will work better since I'm not so great at this Blogger stuff yet.

And I still haven't gotten a period. I start prometrium tomorrow for ten days, and if no period afterwards I have an appointment with the doctor.


At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does the adoption facilitator do for you?


At 1:21 PM, Blogger Erica said...

Mel, how frustrating that social worker did that to you! Ugh, I hope you get it straightened out. And good for you for taking prometrium, it's about time you get back to normal. My last cycle was 54 days - crazy!

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Mel said...

Steph - she basically just finds matches between birth parents and adoptive families. I submit a profile and my home study to her and then I'm on her list. She only charges nominal fees.

Erica - I know, it's about time. It's only been 18 weeks since my D&C, with no bleeding. How much does that suck?

Can you see the mural pics now?


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