Monday, November 14, 2005

Familial reactions, part 3

I went to DC this weekend to visit my Dork sisters IRL. While I was there, I spent the day with my cousin. I was discussing my mom's lack of enthusiasm and support with her, and how much it was upsetting me, and asked if she knew what was going on since she just visited my mom recently. The reason that my mom is so worried about the adoption is ...

she is afraid I'll get a baby that has to be returned to its parents and I won't be able to deal with the heartache.

Wow, I feel on one hand like a major heel for believing the worst about her automatically, and also greatly relieved that this is the issue. This is my biggest fear as well, and is also the reason I will wait for a child that already has TPR. Phew, we can put those fears to rest. I am still going to talk to her about needing her to be more excited for me and to act as if I were pregnant, because I am paper pregnant.

My cousin also brought up the shower issue, and wants to do whatever I want to do about it. I am leaning right now towards not having a shower, but just registering for some things that I know I need, then having a meet the baby party after the adoption and conversion are done. She said she wants to be involved no matter what I decide.

I spoke with the social worker this morning, and we are all set to finish PRIDE this week. She will bring her calendar tomorrow night and we're going to schedule the first home study visit. She thinks we can start between Thanksgiving and Christmas, then finish up after the first of the year. That timing works out well for us since I have to wait until the end of February for my FMLA eligibility. I told her how we were going to do our questionnaires separately and then compare notes, and she thought that was a great idea and she was very pleased we were approaching it that way. The paper chase is almost done!


At 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so good to good to run into others that are going through the same thing as me!!!! I just finished PRIDE last Thursday, and our first homestudy visit is tomorrow morning! I am so nervous. Our process may be a little different - we are in California.

At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It all sounds VERY exciting!! I was thinking about the shower thing also, I'm not big on showers anyway. Sooo, I was thinking when we have a baby, whether by birth or adoption, I want to do the "sip and see" with the baby, that way pple can actually meet the baby!!

Anyway, sounds great and I"m so happy for you guys that you are getting so close now!


At 9:30 AM, Blogger Mel said...

Julie - congrats on finishing PRIDE also! I am glad you can do your home study so fast. Ours will take a little longer but we are near the end. Keep me posted on your progress.

Steph - yeah, I'm not much of a baby shower girl either, I just wanted to be treated the same as a pregnant woman ...


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