Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Fun at the OB/GYN and other stories

I have had a very itchy cootchie the last few days, so I decided it was time to visit the OB/GYN and get it looked at. I was going to just get a gynecologist that didn't do OB, but figured if by some miracle I ended up pregnant, I could keep the same doctor. I went with one recommended by a friend and my RE. I couldn't see her for this appointment, but they squeezed me in for a sick visit with the other doc. Itchy cootchie turned out to be yeast, so one shot of diflucan and some cream and I'm feeling much better. But going to the OB/GYN suckedass. I was surrounded by pregos in the waiting room, all discussing how much weight they'd gained (55 pounds with this guy, one woman proclaimed. I'm thinking at least I'll get to keep my figure and drink through my "pregnancy"). Then I go back to see the doctor, and she is pregnant too. Great. I had to give my history twice, once to the nurse and once to the doctor. So I was pretty much in tears all through the second repetition.

Then yesterday was Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. It's the time of year for birth, since it's the birth of the universe. All the readings we do are about birth and infertility (G-d making good to his promise to Sarah and giving her Isaac at a ripe old age; and Hannah praying very beautifully and eloquently to G-d to give her a baby b/c she is barren, and she gets her prayers answered and gets Samuel, the prophet). Last year I was PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise) from IVF #1 and so optimistic because I had a 'perfect' cycle, and all the readings convinced me my prayers were about to be answered. Then I started spotting a few days later, they made me stay home on bedrest for Yom Kippur, even though I knew it was over.

There were tons of couples at shul that just got married last year, and every one of them had a newborn. Grrr. I kept telling myself this would be my last Rosh Hashanah without a child. I was picturing me doing Torah reading wearing the baby in a sling.


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