Friday, August 26, 2005

Familial reactions, part 1

I talked with both my parents this week (they're divorced). They both sound a little lukewarm with regards to the adoption. I think not the adoption per se, but the fact that we're going to do foster, so we may end up with a half-black kid, or a drug-addicted infant. My mom seems like she's fine with adopting, as long as we get a white baby who is healthy. My parents are pretty white bread, and live in a small town in New England where there aren't very many people who are different from them.

My best friend, who is a social worker, realizes there are risks with foster/adoption, but she's very supportive. She's going to be one of our references.

In general, most people have seemed supportive so far. We'll see what happens.

Oh, and I ordered the fish stencil set.


At 12:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, all I can say is that sometimes family can be that way! Good to know though that you have supportive friends...and that counts a lot! :) Stephanie O.


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