Friday, September 02, 2005

Baptists from Cut'n'shoot

Our second class last night was interesting. It was on the stages of child development and attachment, and attachment disorder. I studied all this in my psych class I took recently. But the interesting part was how out of control the teacher let the class get. People were asking all kinds of questions, which were good ones, but totally not on the topic of of the class. It almost made us wish a representative from each agency was sitting there taking notes, although that would be awkward for us. The Baptist minister's wife has to mention her own kids with every sentence she speaks, and is soooooo concerned about children who have been abused coming into her home and abusing her precious children or her pets. I'm not sure this is a good program for her! We think the overall education level of people in this class is not very high.

David is now a little worried about an older child. The SW warned us that PRIDE may scare us, but we shouldn't let it. The information is primarily for older kids who have been in the system for a while. An infant or very young child probably won't have most of these issues.


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